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Theo is the kind of guy who'd steal your painkillers and lie to you about it while high. He's the kind of guy who swears he just scored a gig and so he can totally pay you back-rent, don't worry about it. He is an asshole, and our story begins when he alienates the last of his friends in Berlin and is kicked out onto the street.


Unbeknownst to him however, this cutting of social ties enables him to tap into a world of sympathetic magic. The caveat is that only those who go unnoticed, those without ties to the world and society, can perform magic.


Theo works and trains to become a better magician, but does he have it within him to confront himself? Can he learn the difference between self-hatred and egolessness?


Praise for No Sympathy


This book is a true exploration of self-destruction. Read it in solitude and learn what it means to truly have nothing left to lose.


—Tina Alberino, editor and cult leader at The Dread Machine



No Sympathy’s combination of urban magic, critiques of everyday life, and a plea for genuine human solidarity that both takes on and sublates our own finitude and failings is exactly what we need more of. Can we forge new bonds of solidarity, wielding the magic of modernity to make a new and better world? If fantasy is for anything, surely it must help us answer this question. On every level a bold debut from a writer to watch!


—Jon Greenaway, author of Capitalism: A Horror Story 



The bleakest take on wizards and magic, No Sympathy is urban fantasy somehow still isolated from the real world. It's surreal, yet completely grounded, and is one of the most unique examples of the genre I've had the pleasure of reading. A fascinating and philosophical journey, set in locales around the world but tethered to none. Dooley’s unique voice weaves a fresh—if sad—story about what magic can be. Dooley subverts the hero's quest, the Chosen One trope, and other fantasy staples. The protagonist may be annoyed by that, but you won't. No Sympathy is a welcome divergence from mainstream fiction.


—Creag Munroe, editor of Elegant Literature Magazine



Eóin Dooley's No Sympathy is a rare pleasure in the world of Sci-Fi / Fantasy: a story which the reader could imagine happening fifteen feet from where they've taken lunch, or had their morning walk. This tale of a sudden-magician and his desire to use his newfound powers for good—really, his assumption that he must do so—reveals the underlying magic of contemporary society... just probably not in the way you'd expect, what with needing to graffiti a McDonald's in the process. Theo and the cabal of magicians which take him in form a collective which we all hope exists: the secret helpers on the fringes, those who work endlessly—and expend what power they have—to make the world incrementally better. But, as must always be asked, and as all the great stories in this tradition do: at what cost?


—Mike Rugnetta, co-creator of Fun City Ventures


No Sympathy

SKU: 046
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  • Title: No Sympathy
    Author: Eóin Dooley
    Publisher: ‎Android Press
    ISBN: 978-1958121863
    Format: EPUB
    Release Date: September 17, 2024
    Page Count: 195

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